Welcome to a new way of THINKING!
Embracing a growth mindset transforms challenges into opportunities and cultivates a culture where learning and development are prioritised, benefiting both individuals and whole organisations.
Mindset Action's goal is to empower people and their teams to operate from a mindset of growth.
Our development workshops, programmes and tools are designed to:
Enhance individuals' motivation, mental health, wellbeing and resilience.
Improve team and organisational efficiency, communication, innovation and impact.
Discover, Understand & Grow
We understand that how we feel affects our mindset.
Discover training that inspires and empowers a mindset of growth.
Mindset affects our ability to learn and our response to change.
Mindset impacts our resilience, energy levels and mental health.
Mindset matters if we are to fulfil our full potential.
Mindset impacts effectiveness
People in a mindset of Growth are up to 21% more effective than those in Survival
Self responsibility & empowerment
Levels of self-responsibility are up to 3 times higher with people who have a mindset of Growth
Employee engagement
People in a mindset of Growth have 20% higher engagement
Resilience & wellbeing
Levels of resilience are up to 250% greater with people who have a mindset of Growth

Self-managed learning solutions, supported by in-person workshops or online webinars.
Thriving in a Complex World
Experience the insights that mindset awareness can bring.
Be Curious
Be Present
Be Choiceful
Talk to us!
Our sessions are aimed at people and businesses who are interested in understanding more about how a person’s mindset affects their individual and team's responses, behaviours, and habits.
We explore how mindset influences how we show up to or are perceived by others and the benefits that changing from survival to growth, can have for both individuals and organisations.

Mindset Awareness Workshops
Mindset to Growth
Enable Your Growth Climate
Self Assessment Tools

Why is Mindset Awareness so Important?
Growing evidence gathered over 30+ years of research suggests that people benefit hugely from an awareness of mindsets. Individuals find it enlightening identifying their personal mindset traits and triggers, as well as gaining an understanding of the behaviour of others working around them. For managers and leaders, mentors and supervisors an ability to cultivate and maintain a growth mindset in themselves and in others can enhance communication and motivation, improve efficiency and boost wellbeing.
"Thank you Nikki Osborne for an excellent workshop this morning! It was a great opportunity to reflect on how our own feelings can affect our mindset and interactions with our colleagues. An empowering session!"
Lucy Whitfield